
Sendient's free AI detector

The Sendient AI Detector has been designed to quickly and accurately analyse text, determining whether it was written by a human or generated by an AI system. Ideal for educators, content creators, and anyone curious about the origins of a piece of writing, our tool offers a seamless and insightful way to explore authorship

How does It work?

The AI Detector is powered by our proprietary machine learning (ML) algorithms, carefully developed to evaluate text and provide a probabilistic score indicating the likelihood of human authorship. This is presented in an intuitive, user-friendly interface that makes AI text detection accessible to everyone.

Beyond simple detection, the tool provides paragraph-level feedback, offering detailed insights into the composition of the text. It is designed to handle errors gracefully and deliver balanced judgements, even for text that has been collaboratively created by both AI and humans.

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Why Use Sendient's AI detector?

Intuitive Design

Easy to use, even for first-time visitors.

Detailed Feedback

Paragraph-level analysis for deeper insights.

Balanced Judgements

Accounts for hybrid content (AI-generated text edited by humans).

Best for Longer Texts

Optimised for multi-paragraph analysis, with reduced accuracy for isolated sentences.

To get started, please sign in or register for an account below. Registration is quick and easy, giving you access to a cutting-edge tool that helps you analyse text efficiently. Whether you're verifying academic work, screening creative content, or auditing professional documents, Sendient's AI Detector has you covered.



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