Sendient Services

Executive Training

In a world steered by technological innovation, Sendient is able to offer customised training services for managers and leadership teams that are new to Data Science, Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence (AI). Sendient’s data science training provides no-nonsense, easy to understand curricula that is kept abreast of the rapidly evolving AI landscape. The Sendient team offers insights that are as profound as they are practical, ensuring leaders are well-equipped to steer their businesses with confidence and foresight.

Breaking it down

Sendient’s training dives into the core of AI, unravelling its intricacies, and providing a clear comprehension of its diverse types and applications. We demystify complex AI concepts, translating them into an accessible language that resonates with leaders from varied professional backgrounds. In a world where newsreels frequently reference LLM’s such as Chat GPT, Gemini, LLAMA2 we look at how these models are evolving, and how organisations can leverage their capabilities in quick and easy bite size chunks.

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Pragmatic and Actionable

The curriculum is enriched with real-world case studies, offering a balanced view of AI’s transformative power as it plays out in businesses all around us. Sendient’s goal is to ensure that our students are empowered with knowledge, and skills, on how AI can be strategically harnessed in their businesses to innovate, optimize and excel.

Join Sendient for a journey of discovery, where learning is not just confined to theories but extended to real world, and actionable strategic applications. To find out more about our AI training programs, complete our contact form and an account manager will respond to your enquiry.

Designed for non-tech audiences, that care about growth and efficiency


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