Sendient Services

AI and Cyber

With increased dependency on data, and an expectation of confidentiality, integrity, availability and now safety, cyber security is not a luxury but a necessity. With a deep rooted pedigree in Cyber Security, Sendient specialises in understanding the risks associated with AI systems. Our services are tailored to organisations that want to test and assure their models and their platforms are secure.

Evolving Threat

We recognise the dynamic nature of AI and the evolving threats that are present across the AI and Cloud ecosystems. Our approach to cyber risk management encompasses rigorous risk assessments, identifying vulnerabilities intrinsic to machine learning, data processing, and algorithmic functions. We can provide AI security guidance on cryptography and architectural designs that can mitigate against intrusion, data breaches, and malicious manipulations.

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Pragmatic Guidance

Our team of seasoned professionals stays abreast of the latest AI and Cyber risks. We offer pragmatic advice and guidance, ensuring your AI architecture is not just secure but resilient and adaptable to emerging threats. Cyber Security is a common thread that runs throughout all of our services, whether it is consultancy, strategy setting or product design and integration.

Cyber Security is a common thread throughout all Sendient services


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