Sendient Solutions

Sendient CORE

Sendient Core provides document interpretation and assessment using artificial intelligence.

The platform is designed to deliver increased efficiencies, reduce costs and maximise profitability

Many organisations interact with documents on a daily basis.  Employees read them, assess them, compare them, mark them, and undertake a myriad of different tasks with them  in the usual daily course of their jobs.

Some of these documents are written.  Some of these documents contain images.  Some of these documents are mixed formats covering both.  Teams of people read these documents, interpret them and then carry out a series of actions, driven by their content.  AI has the ability to transform these processes, undertaking interpretation and assessment of documents regardless of their format.

Sendient CORE features

Sendient Core can leverage standards, exemplars, specifications and pre-trained knowledge to assess both text and image based documents.  Sendient Core can determine a pass or fail, a compliant or non compliant outcome, or it can allocate a score using clients preferred scoring methodology.  Sendient Core can stack rank documents from best to worst, and can inform its users of strengths and weaknesses.

Within Sendient Core,  outcomes of the assessment are consistent, objective and free from any unconscious bias that may exist in human centric assessments.  Sendient Core is able provide detailed guidance and explanations around how it assessed a document or artefact, and it is able to highlight both positive and negative  attributes within a document that shaped or contributed to the assessment decision.

Intuitive Self Serve Portal

Sendient Core is easy to use, with assessments being delivered in to an intuitive portal that presents clear concise guidance and recommendations.  The application is delivered as a SaaS offering, with variations that can be deployed in to high security environments when requirements dictate.

To find out more about how Sendient can support your organisation deliver document review, analysis and assessment please complete our contact form an account manager will respond to your enquiry.


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